Poetry Rumi Poems Therapy and the impact of poetic dialogue
Since the beginning of time , poetry was a way for people to express their deepest emotions and create healing in ritual and ceremony Rumi Poems. In Greek mythology Rumi Poems, we know that Asclepius, the god of healing , was the son of Apollo , god of poetry. Hermes serves as a messenger between the two worlds to communicate with the gods and humanity. He carried the caduceus, " the winged rod with two intertwined snakes , which became a symbol of the medical profession " ( Poplawski , 75) . Rumi Poems were also considered as carriers of messages from the unconscious to the conscious . Whenever people gather to celebrate a time Rumi Poems, speaking from heart to heart with poetry.
In the consulting room , maybe you read a poem to a customer who seemed to capture a question he / she struggled with Rumi Poems, offering not only understanding , but wait. After the tragedy of 9/11 , radio and the Internet have beaten with Rumi Poems of comfort. When the Iraq war was imminent, a website developed where people could send Rumi Poems to express their feelings : Poets against war. In a few days , have published thousands of Rumi Poems .
Mary Oliver , in his poem , "Wild Geese " he said, " Tell me about despair , yours , and I'll tell you mine. " He said. " " ( Oliver , 110 ) Joy Rumi Poems in "Fire Watch me / I'm a / I am the continuity blue / sky / I am the gorge Rumi Poems. Woman" ( Harjo , 25) The fourteenth century Persian poet speaks of poetry Rumi Poems :
I do not trust it for a moment
but I took it anyway,
the wine of my own poetry.
That gave me the courage to take advantage
the dark and wear
and cut into small pieces. ( Barks , 11)
These lines to carry in our hearts , because it opens to the beauty , the sense of self , healing , truth, and human connection , and all this in a nutshell Rumi Poems!
In design, it raises the heart rate, more fluent in the darkness until one day , a special way to the light . With our first cry , we make our first Rumi Poems, a sound that resonates in the heart of our mother, and when she screams in response , we heard our first poem. And if it continues, the voices of those who care to provide all the emotions that we come to know our own words , as if writing is poetry Rumi Poems. It's that simple. Poetry gives sound and rhythm of silence , darkness , giving a form , making light. When we read a poem about our experience , there is a change in one click. Someone including our darkness , naming themselves. We feel less alone . Therapeutic , the "I " of us collects energy and vision. Our world grows Rumi Poems.
The following poem illustrates the concept of writing a poem to give the darkness and suffering of a voice Rumi Poems. It was written by a participant in the group Phyllis poetry therapy , which is part of an intensive day treatment for women addicted to alcohol and drugs. This poem tells the truth of the author's experience in a beautiful and disturbing Rumi Poems, giving the reader the opportunity to relate to what it feels like to be "broken" .
Rumi Poems!
Today, I do not care
or unseen
has not had time to air.
Yesterday was a different story
I wanted to look like a bell
fresh and bright you could not tell
I was up all night .
Sometimes I can not hide behind
Other times my color lines
I feel like a stained glass window
window that has just been broken
beautiful pieces everywhere. (Klein, 16)
Instead of reducing the excellence of the art of the poet , poetry enhances therapist . Poet Gregory Orr , in his book of poetry and survival , says " Rumi Poems... the most elaborate and intense patterns of poetry ... people can feel safe ... the enormous power of disturbance or trauma requires that direct requests equally powerful to contain, and poetry offers that end " (Orr , 92) . Structures chaos poetry Rumi Poems.
Dr. James W. Pennebaker , one of the researchers more widely the benefits of writing, says in his book , opening : The healing power of expressing emotions that writing about emotional topics improves the immune system to reduce " stress , anxiety and depression , better grades in college ( and ) helps people to secure new jobs Rumi Poems. " ( Pennebaker , 40) . " The revelation of secrets true reduction in pressure, heart rate and skin conductance blood . " ( Pennebaker , 52 ) . Gregory Orr said that when we share secrets " we take a small step in the survival of healing , similar to that of a poet happened when he or she shares Rumi Poems with another player or the public. " (Orr , 88)
In a therapeutic setting , trained facilitator discusses the healing elements of poetry : the shape and form , metaphor, METAmessage Rumi Poems, the words chosen and the sounds of the words together ( alliteration and assonance ) . These elements, in combination with others, bear the brunt of a lot of feelings and messages at once , creating a link between the secret inner world of external reality of the unconscious to the conscious .
Because a poem has a border, frame or structure , as opposed to prose , the form itself is a safety net . Strong emotions do not leave the page . Poetry therapist may ask his / her clients to draw a box in the center of the paper and write the words inside. METAmessage implies the ability to carry multiple messages in a line of "achieving deeper levels of consciousness manifests messages" (Murphy , 69) . With the ability to transmit multiple messages , customers are able to experience the fusion and individuation / separation. The poem makes a temporary separation , then return to the therapist to merge and " refuel " through understanding therapist poem . If the therapist says he / she likes a particular metaphor and how the flow of words , the client feels loved and listened . Reading a poem aloud Rumi Poems, the customer can get caught up in his / her own pace and feel loved .
A major poetry therapy students formulate questions is how to find the right poem to bring a group or an individual. The best Rumi Poems are those who are beginning to understand , with clear language and a strong theme Rumi Poems, and emotions that reflect some hope. Another essential element is that the poem should resonate with the environment and / or position of the individual or group . This is called isoprinciple , a term also used in the therapy of the music for the same purpose. Dr. Jack Leedy said " the poem becomes a symbolic understanding , someone / something that he / she can share his / her despair " ( Leedy , 82)
A woman in cancer / Perie poetry of a support group recently published a book of his Rumi Poems and writings entitled , that I can do: living with cancer , the location of a year of hope . This title contains the critical word hope because that's what we need in our lives to support us and heal. In his poem . "The Uninvited Guest" Rumi Poems, Beverley Hyman - Fead wrote :
I feel fortunate my tumors came to me
in the autumn of my life ...
I am grateful for this intruder called attention ...
I enjoyed the beauty
images of the moon is in the stillness of the night?
No, I have my tumors to thank for that. (54)
"Rumi Poems"
She was able to write this poem in response to a poem by Rumi Poems called The poem , written so long ago Rumi Poems, it questions the meaning of suffering by saying, " guest house. "The human is a guest house,
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness ....
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows ...
Be thankful for coming Rumi Poems,
because each has been sent
as a guide beyond. ( Barks, 1995 , 109)
Perie chose this poem for the cancer support group because it could draw the attention of members of the group can see how his illness was a "guide" , and what they learned about themselves to themselves in the fight Rumi Poems. Another important reaction might be: " I am very upset How could I want to invite the dark? " Whatever emotional reaction , the poem is a catalyst to help the reader to access and express their feelings in a safe and supportive environment . Reading a poem a second time helps the customer feel more deeply the content and emotion Rumi Poems. In addition , the lines often spontaneously uttered the first lines of the Rumi Poems.
After reading a poem , the therapist may ask the participants of the lines of the poem that talk about them, or what lines are more developed . This may be followed by questions for discussion of the emotional nature . Given the poem by Rumi Poems, the therapist may suggest that you discuss : What should I do in this life ? What do not you invite ? How my workplace or at home can be a Guest House? What is the guest house as your heart? Comments focus on what the poem emotion to the reader what the poem is not intellectually. Through group discussions , the time to write and read what was written in the group, the members and leaders can learn to think differently , maybe apply the behaviors and attitudes of existing concepts of recent formation .
For example, if you feel he / she has been a victim of the disease, through discussion and writing this or other relevant poem , he / she can be activated to start thinking about how to move acceptance. Even writing about rage against the disease is an important step. There is a beginning of a resolution in the poem. Rumi said he was grateful , and in his poem , Beverley , which is now in the process of emotional healing , is able to recognize their illness , giving hope.
Another type of healing that can provide illustrated Rumi Poems poems written in response to another . Below are excerpts from Rumi Poems and Phyllis Perie wrote :
Maybe the angels are
resurrected old days , lost love
Back on track to lift the inner flute ...
The moon came up with hope
but not to see the angels hover
and neck, between the toes
Rows of them , leaves or wings of the wind ...
Watch your arrival
how their wings vary
some feathers traditional ...
others have flourished as Heather ...
Some people just goosebumps
not always in the rear ,
and some no wings at all,
off scraped knees .
- Perie Longo
Phyllis said :
Maybe the angels
were with me the day
my sister and her husband were in bad condition
on the way to New York , guided my
Thoughts that he would want to get hit
as I was crossing the street in San Francisco .
Angels probably familiar with misfortune
and emergency rooms ,
because my sister and her husband ,
almost as big as a small
Keep up the sidewalk , their size, who saved .
Angels were hovering accidents, caressed the legacy
to survive. He saw the ambulance arrived .
They are the angels of friendship , compassion and familiar with the coincidence
I know I would not say it for a week?
They have me * Sangha and lead teacher spoke
about unbearable pain ?
You may remember what it was walking,
have shoulders without wings.
You know that humans come in the next life ,
and when the open tulips
on my desk flourish , death, resurrection ?
* Sangha - the Buddhist congregation
Gregory Orr speaks of " The Two survivors ' - survival of the poet , the poet is difficult to commit to the job of writing a poem , and in the act of writing , " orderly disorder . " The other is that the survival of the player, which connects to the poems that" penetrates deep " him or her , which leads to the" reader sympathetic identification with the writer. " (Orr , 83-84 ) This type of connection may be improved through direct dialogue because the reader and the writer to cross back and forth from one role to another , deepening the possibility of empathy and sympathetic identification .
To illustrate this, we return to the two poems he wrote about angels . Perie wrote his poem when her daughter was going through a very difficult period . To Perie , the whole poem is for her daughter, whose nickname was "angel -pie . " The last three lines of the poem, and some no wings at all / slightly scratched knees / try to get off the ground , is a message to encourage and train their daughter and in general for all those who are discouraged , traumatized , or in trouble. When Phyllis Perie received the poem, she took the subject of angels and wrote his own family history of terrible pain and hope. The poems transcend the subject of angels , because there's more content here , the issue of ordinary people become heroes , and rebirth and reconciliation , which can come from the tragedy. Furthermore, as is often the case of poetry , there is a link unconscious as both authors write about family.
Speaking of poetry , it is also important to recognize that this may be a form of intimidation of expression, taking with it the need for perfection or a feeling like "I could never write a poem , my writing is not enough. " In the treatment of poetry with groups or individuals , poems never change. Publishing poetry belongs to a frame -craft. The purpose of poetry therapy is to use the poem as an entry point for the writer , and is a useful way of working with the importance of the internal editor , that resides in each of us. To reply to a way of thinking about how to write poetry , we turn to the words of our colleague, Robert Carroll , MD , who writes ,
Read aloud
pass through the ears
and up
the difference between poetry and prose
is that poetry is broken
in the lines -
That's it.
( Carroll, 1)
Anyone can write poetry! It is our natural rights and human instinct . All you have to do is let the words move and inspire us . The National Association for Poetry Therapy ( NAPT ) : Promoting growth and healing through language , symbols and history ( http://www.poetrytherapy.org ) provides useful information on its website , including other examples of how to use poetry therapy with clients. We, the Association, are related psychiatrists , psychologists , academics , social workers, marriage and family therapists and educators - like all poets , newspaper writers , and storytellers who have experienced healing through the written and spoken word , and you want to share with other doctors as a skill they would like to develop . The poetry of self- expression and healing is used with mothers , children and adolescents , battered women , the elderly , depression , suicide , people with a terminal illness, bereavement, HIV , the mentally ill, and now hurricane victims and soldiers returning from Iraq suffering from post -traumatic stress . We also share poems with each other , all over the country who have been effective in helping others to heal . This exchange continues at the speed of healing and the heart of poetry therapy .
As Jelaluddin Rumi says:
Beyond ideas of wrongdoing and doing there is a field. See you there . ( 1995 Barks , 36)
See other along the way.