Quick Creative Writing Tips for a Beginner!

Creativity doesn’t just belong to a chosen few. It belongs to (and is inherent) in all of us. Everyone is creative by default creative writing tips. And that includes you creative writing tips. (yeah, you!)

If you're new to creative writing, here are some useful tips:

1) Words/ideas can come from anywhere at any time - so walk with a notebook or hand-held recorder. Keep it close to you, even next to your bed!

2) Getting an idea doesn’t mean you have to write about it there and then - you might not feel like writing at the time and that’s ok, it really is - but in any case, do jot your ideas down creative writing tips.

3) Don’t expect to write everything in one day or in one sitting – sometimes, it takes time creative writing tips. Be patient. Let your idea simmer. Let the story happen. Give it the time it needs.

4) On the other hand, you might write something - a poem, a story - in 5 minutes flat or in an hour and feel that it’s complete creative writing tips. That can happen too. As long as you’re happy with it, then that’s fine creative writing tips. The point is: be open to the creative process - how and when it happens - it’s a very interesting phenomena this creativity thingamajig!

5) If you get stuck on something and feel yourself getting frustrated, walk away from it for a while. Do something else creative writing tips. Go for a walk, make a call, grab a chocolate, coffee, mint tea or something; then go back to it today, tomorrow, in a couple of weeks/months - it’s up to you creative writing tips.

6) Don't throw anything away. Any ideas, a word or two, one-liners, paragraphs you don’t feel you need or feel aren’t good enough can sometimes be unrealised diamonds and can prove to be very essential in the future creative writing tips. Keep them all as you never really know when you might need them. I keep all my ideas in a box creative writing tips. Some are writing-related; some aren't, but they all take pride and place in my special box. I might never explore some of them, but I know they're there.

7) Your voice matters creative writing tips.

8) Your voice matters. (the repetition is deliberate to make a point)

9) Use Google to look for writing forums to join; some can be really supportive .

10) Don't forget to have fun! It should be fun getting to know a new expressive part of you.