How To Start a Novel - How Does One Get Ideas and Start to Write a Novel?

   Are you one of those people who has always dreamed of writing a how to start a novel? Do you dream of the day when you can walk into a bookstore and see your fiction sitting on the shelves ? How great would that be? Can you imagine the library to call and ask him to come to sign autographs for his how to start a novel ? In this day and time that is more likely than ever to write and publish his first how to start a novel . There are many educational books that you can purchase to help you on your way. So how can we begin to write a how to start a novel ?

   Well, it all starts with an idea, of course. Most people get stuck here . They do not know what to write . Another problem is that many people think you have to write something new . As the old saying goes , there is nothing new under the sun. What you have to do is think of an idea and put their own spin on it . You can even write about something that happened in your life or something you want to happen as winning the lottery how to start a novel.

   Pay attention to what happens around you. You can go sit in a cafe and just people watching . Bring a laptop or a notebook and take notes and ideas as they come to you. You can also browse the library and write ideas based on the different books you see. This does not mean you should copy these books, but simply use them to get ideas . You can do it in a library . It is very easy to find ideas, and you should not have many problems with the first step .

Another good idea is to make a mini recorder around and every time you have an idea , simply record your thoughts . Many times you can think of something while driving or otherwise occupied and discuss their ideas into the recorder is much easier than having to get a piece of paper and write .

   Free writing is another way to get ideas to write his first how to start a novel. Set a timer and just write whatever comes to mind for a period of time like 10 minutes. Do not worry about what it is, keep writing . Even if it's silly or even if you have to keep saying the same thing over and over again because you can not think of any living thing, you're likely to start to get some ideas on what to write. You must do this on a daily basis as a form of writing exercises.

   Basically , you're going to come with an idea and then keep asking " what if? " Some people like to write with an outline and some people love to do what they say . Others like to start at the end and work backwards. So you should experiment and see what works best for you . The key is just to write every day. do not let a day pass that you do not write something. Even if you feel you have writer's block and can not think of anything to say to his how to start a novel , then just write a letter or write a post on his blog. Believe it or not, writing becomes easier as you go . If you work at it every day and you will not give up a first over before you know it how to start a novel.