Hello readers , in this article I will write about composition techniques and common mistakes made composers writing his own lyrics or singing.
Songwriting is usually a branch of music, and music is known as a type of sound that is pleasing to the ear , which means that everything that is not pleasing to the ear noise.
The main problem musicians face has not been able to write their own songs, they buy the letters. Now you must know that you're not a complete singer if you can not write and sing their how to write your own song .
Song writing requires a specific type of technique that will show now .
These are the simple steps to follow when answer how to write your own song?
1. Enter the title of a title:Yes ! This is the first step , the title! Travel can not begin without a destination, you must first know what your song would speak, for example , the title may be in his " childhood life. "
2. Give the song a kind : The next question will be "? What is the kind of song " Is the blues , R & B, Hip- Hop, etc. Another thing you could decide what kind of song is your voice type, is a base type , tenor , soprano, etc.
3. Use the last word in the title to give the rhyme : Any good singer should know rhymes , rhymes on the lack of music makes the song without interest. Now, using an example of a title of our song " My childhood life " trying to give our song a rhyme .
Song : My Life on Early Childhood
Genre: Blues
chorus :
" This is my life story child hood "
" How I was treated by the wife of my father "
" How my life was in conflict" , etc, etc.
Rhymes should be in good condition synchronization , for example , 4/4 , meaning 4 more words rhyme after the first 4 words of the rhyme (life, women , knife , conflict / pain , rain, no win, hit my brain). A title can not be 1 /1, 3/3 or 5/ 5 may not rhyme. Must be 2/2 or 4/4, but 4/4 is highly recommended by me.
4. Use the title to the choir : After naming the song title , and genre , the next step is to use the title as the chorus , think the most interesting words from the story . The choir determines the power of how to write your own song .
5. Consider the verse: Now the next question is: How many verses have the how to write your own song? two or three? two verses with rap ? etc, etc, and start writing poems based on his story in the how to write your own song title .
6. Sing how to write your own song of your audience : If you focus solely on writing how to write your own song without singing his own audience , you will discover that you have done so much wrong , try to sing the how to write your own song out loud, if you can call someone to listen how to write your own song while singing , judge .
7. Go at a pace : This is your last step : Get a compass how to write your own song and master it. You can go to study, etc.
Singing and songwriting are very simple, if you can read and master these simple techniques, if you do not follow these steps, when he began to make mistakes.