Tanka poetry is the oldest form of
Japanese poetry . Traditionally, it has five lines with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables.
Few syllables count English different from Japanese , while others use short
lines -long-short - long-long . The Tanka poems is very similar to haiku, but
has a total of thirty -one syllables , while the haiku has only seventeen
syllables . The Tanka poems is written in two parts: the first by 5, 7, 5 ,
format, and the second part in a size 7 and 7. Tanka also uses the simile ,
metaphor and personification . The poem tanka and haiku poem is written in
nature , the seasons , love , sadness and other strong emotions . The Tanka
poems dates back nearly 1200 years . The Tanka poems is a short verse and
lyrical . When " Man'yoshu , " ( Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves )
is the anthology of Japan's oldest poetry was compiled in the eighth century ,
most of the poems were written in tanka form . What follows is a series of
poems showing Tanka poems form and style in terms of love and emotion :
Derived from nature Tanka poems Series
walk with love
With a smile on my face
Here is my true self
Waving to those who pass by
The grace of God is with me
Come to my house
You feel the warmth of nature
Sit on my roses
Refresh your mind while at home
You allow the natural mind ,
It could be a dream
Relax by the fire
even become
Shining like fireflies
The flames that erupted
Fireflies at night
From lighting up the dark forest
A clear light
His eyes were glowing sparks
The party had already reached
Joseph S. Spence , Sr. ( aka "
Epulaeryu Master" ) , is the author of " The Awakened One Poetics
" (2009 ) , published in seven different languages has also co - .
Author of two books of poetry , " a trilogy of poetry , prose and thoughts
of the mind , body and soul " (2005 ) and " Trilogy Moments for the
Mind , Body and Soul " (2006 ) . He invented the Epulaeryu poetry form ,
which focuses on succulent dishes . Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador of the
State of Arkansas. He has over twenty years of service with the U.S. Army .