6th Grade Writing Prompts

1) Give each person a lollipop. Using the five senses to describe the cup. What sound does the package do what is broken ? How to smell the candy ? What sucker stick and feel like - soft, sticky ? How sweet it? Can you remember the way that some other sweets ? And finally, it should be? Use metaphors and comparisons to get the most out of this mission 6th grade writing prompts.

2) Hold your pen or pencil on a blank page without lifting the writing instrument, start drawing a summary. Keep your hand moving continuously for two minutes. Now write about what you have drawn - This is the chaos? Is there a recognizable image it? Remind you of anything ? Use the image or part of the image or what you think you're in a story or a poem 6th grade writing prompts.

3) See a magazine ad . Giving the background of the character or product in the ad. How does the product or that he or she get there? What were they? What will they do now? What the person or desire product ? ( This exercise reminds us that history is behind everything and everyone. Nothing is isolated in this world 6th grade writing prompts. )

4) Look at a part of your body. Take a visual description 6th grade writing prompts. Do not limit yourself to what you see - but what's underneath ? How it works? If it could talk , what would you say ? How does it feel to be used or processed 6th grade writing prompts?

5) What is your favorite food? Why is your favorite dish 6th grade writing prompts- it must be because it tastes good . A lot of good taste, but you call your favorite. Write an ode to food and food memories conjuries in your mind 6th grade writing prompts.