West Wind by Mary Oliver - Awesome Mary Oliver Poems

     This is a wonderful book with a unique style of poetry. This is the fourth book by Mary Oliver , I have enjoyed reading . The first part of the book begins with the poem " seven white butterflies " , which is so wonderful. One is able to see the beautiful pictures of butterflies do what they do best as illustrated by Oliver .

    The series of " Three Songs " is very inspiring and uplifting the spirit while reading . If , in an atmosphere of the songs, the lyrics of these parts will have to hum the notes of a melody while playing . These are beautiful pieces to soothe the soul .

    The book is divided into three parts. Each part has an excellent mixture of poems for relaxation and improve the poetic spirit Mary Oliver poems. The second part consists mostly of poetry in prose with a variety of mixtures and powerful images. One of the poems in the second part refers to a cricket. We are able to follow the theme that runs through this book in a nice way without losing the rhythm of the lines Mary Oliver poems.

   The third also is phenomenal ! The words " Have you ever tried to enter the long black branches " is as stimulating and inspiring. This work will stretch the imagination to think while reading . Usage Oliver poetic architecture gives each poem and different points of view , which is pleasing to the eye as one reads the lines . Mary Oliver has indeed given us a vision inspired by the nature of God . His love of nature that surrounds and nature has provided many nuggets in this book. this is a wonderful collection of poems to read to calm the mind , body and soul Mary Oliver poems.

Posted by "Master Epulaeryu Mary Oliver poems . "

    Joseph S. Spence , Sr., is the co - author of two books of poetry , a trilogy of poetry, prose and thoughts of the mind, body and soul, and now Trilogy for the mind, body and soul. He invented the Epulaeryu poetry form Mary Oliver poems, which focuses on succulent dishes and drinks. It is published in various forums, including the World Haiku Association , Milwaukee Area Technical College, Phoenix Magazine , and the Taj Mahal Review . Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador of the State of Arkansas , USA , And an assistant professor at Milwaukee Area Technical College. He has over twenty years of service with the U.S. Army Mary Oliver poems.