Suicide Poems- An Eternal Pain



Suicide Poems!!

   Suicide is a form of death that has a stigma attached to it . She brings a sense of shame and betrayal. This is not the same as saying someone " My father died in a car accident " and is not the same as saying that someone died of a heart attack . Having to explain that someone took his life can be a very difficult thing to do because we have no explanation for this terrible event took place .

   Suicide poems among young people is growing significantly worldwide and hope that reading my poem and my recently published book "Death to those who remain " so that people can see the effects of suicide on family and friends who remain to cope with the loss and pain.

    I have dedicated my poem " Suicide" then to the memory of my father, the late James Evans unfortunately his life October 29, 1990 . May his soul find eternal peace.

Suicide Poems

The power to punish

The pain and loss

Tears and saddness

Inside pain



Sleep please , oh sleep

repressed memories

Not being able to cope

With the pain you've done

The gap can not meet

Your selfish act

Let me off

Fear of Love

The fear of living

By eliminating survive

Suicide not only killed