Annabel Lee poems

" Annabel Lee poem" is the last complete poem [1 ] composed by American author Edgar Allan Poe. Like many of Poe 's poems , it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman. [2 ] The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee poem when they were young , has a love for her so strong that even angels are jealous . He keeps his love for her , even after his death . There has been debate over who , if anyone, was the inspiration for " Annabel Lee poem" . Although many women have been suggested , Poe's wife Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe is one of the more credible candidates . Written in 1849 , was not published until shortly after Poe's death that same year.

   The poem's narrator describes his love for Annabel Lee poem , which began several years ago in the " kingdom of the sea. " Despite their youth , their love for one another burned with such intensity that angels have become envious. For this reason, the narrator believes that the seraphim killed him . However, their love is so strong that it extends beyond the grave and the narrator believes their two souls are still connected . every night he dreams of Annabel Lee poem and sees the brightness of her eyes in the stars. admits that every night he lies down next to her on his grave in the sea.

   Like many other Poe poems as " The Raven " , " Ulalume " and " one in Paradise " , " Annabel Lee poem" follows Poe 's favorite theme : the death of a beautiful woman, [2 ] which Poe called " the most poetical topic in the world" . [3 ] As women in many other works of Poe, who is beaten with illness and marries young . [4 ] The poem focuses on an ideal love which is unusually strong . in fact, the actions of the narrator shows that not only loves Annabel Lee poem , but love , something to do after his death . [5 ] the narrator admits that he and Annabel Lee poem were children when they fell in love , but his explanation that angels murdered her is in itself childish , suggesting he has not changed much since then . [6 ] the repetition of this assertion suggests he is trying to rationalize his own excessive feelings of loss. [6]

   Unlike "The Raven" , in which the narrator believes that " never " is reunited with his love, " Annabel Lee poem " says the two will be together again , even the demons " never be separated " their souls .

   Annabel Lee poem " consists of six stanzas , three with six lines , one with seven two eight , with the rhyme pattern of slight differences in each of them. [2 ] Although not technically a ballad , Poe referred to it as one. [7 ] as a ballad , the poem uses repetition of words and phrases purposely to create its mournful effect . [2 ] the name of Annabel Lee poem emphasizes the letter " L " , a device common in Poe 's female characters as " Eulalia " , " Lenore " and " Ulalume " . [8 ]

   There is a debate in the last line of the poem. Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore , Maryland has identified 11 versions of " Annabel Lee poem" , published between 1849 and 1850 [9 ] However, the most important change is in the last line. :

    Original manuscript in his grave by the sea
    Alternative version : in his tomb in the study of the sea